Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Animation is Awesome

Get this kid a copy of the lyrics somebody!!! JK

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Brush With Death Averted Thanks To Green Day Grenade Picture

12-year-old Ruby Wilson bizarrely found a grenade in her back garden in Yorkshire yesterday while sweeping leaves. Luckily, she recognised the explosive device from her 'American Idiot' Green Day T-shirt.

Ok, Ruby, this is a pretty good outcome. Stop it with the 'Butterfly Effect' thingy.


Monday, May 01, 2006

Green Day is One of the Anti-Bush Voices in Popular Music

Here is a report about the onslaught of new protest music that is coinciding with George Bush's new low in the polls.

Green Day was ahead of the pack with their concept album "American Idiot".

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Johnny Rotten Launches A Tirade Against Green Day

“They’re sticky tape on a duck’s arse. They wouldn’t have survived it. We had to earn our wings."
This is the quote of Johnny Rotten.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Green Day Versus Ted Nugent

"Their social ignorance, their historical vacuity and their knee-jerk condemnation of American things and the Bush administration is nothing short of embarrassing."
This is what Mr. Wango Tango had to say about Green Day. He does like their music, or at least their popularity. His vitriolic criticism came after they turned down an offer to collaborate.


Sunday, February 05, 2006

How Long Before The Next Green Day Album

See if you recognize a pattern. One year between Dookie and Insomniac. Two Years between Insomniac and Nimrod. It was three years between Nimrod and 2000's Warning and then four years between Warning and American Idiot.

They should take their time, it seems like they need to totally decompress from the whole ego trip tour thing before they can write songs that mean anything.


Saturday, January 28, 2006

Now Showing Puppet Show, Green Day

The much-hyped Live Freaky, Die Freaky will hit stores next week. The puppet show features the voices of Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong and Rancid’s Tim Armstrong as its lead voices. The film centers around a character who, in the distant future, discovers the Charles Manson biography Helter Skelter and, for reasons still unexplained, decides to interpret it as scripture.


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